fiji missions 2018
Sigatoka, fiji

Rock Church was founded in 1968 by John and Anne Gimenez and has been an integral part of the Hampton Roads community ever since. It is our vision to “Reach a generation with a message of hope through the healing and delivering power of Jesus Christ.” God has provided many open doors for us to minister overseas in the compassion ministry, meeting the basic physical needs of people while sharing the gospel with them. Our ministry has planted 500 churches in India, 20 in Africa, and in 1 Fiji. The Ministry in Sigatoka, Fiji includes a church and an elementary school. The school currently contains grades Pre-Kindergarten through third grade and currently serves 60 students.
We have also recently begun a ministry there called the Timothy Project which houses and disciples young men of God. A connection has been
established in connection with this ministry with local law enforcement. Young men who have been charged with a crime are referred to our ministry for counseling and rehabilitation. As we have been faithful to labor in the field, God has been faithful to send a revival to the Island. We are believing God for bigger and better things this year as we step out in faith once again to impact the Nation of Fiji.
This summer, we are sending a team of youth and young adults to cultivate the work in Fiji! We are committed to spreading the love of Christ throughout the world. During the trip, the team will be ministering to the children through Kids Camps (VBS), and to the teenagers through Youth Convention. Also, we will be bringing supplies such as clothing, shoes, and household goods to those in need. Last year we were able to put basic supplies into the hands of over 5000 people through a giveaway based out of the church building. The ability to give has opened up the door to show many the love of Christ.
We would love to partner with you in order to meet our goal by donating and helping us reach the people of Fiji!